Friday, April 02, 2010

Shoes for Lucian

Without having lived in a police state, it is difficult to understand how fear can rule a people long after the source of fear has been removed. Under the former regime, informers and the secret police watched everyone everywhere and reported everything. Public life was owned by the state. When ServingHIM briefed us for the trip ahead, they told us that while the secret police had been disbanded, it was still considered rude to draw attention to yourself in public. This cultural norm is a vestige of the days when the collateral damage from prying eyes now focused on your public display could put someone near you in prison.

Given this reticence for the attention of authorities, imagine Lucian's concern when Romanian customs officials informed him that he had to come to the port to claim a few packages. Here is his email:

I was so happy when I received the twenty boxes with shoes. I was also a little nervous at the customs, but everything turned all right. Many children will be happy and so their parents. I pray God will reward all the dedication, kindness and I especially want to send to all the people involved in this operation, our deepest thanks and I ask God to send upon them His blessings. I know you carried them with Mike's car. I believe Kevin was also involved. Please, send them my best wishes and send my regards also to Stephanie and many hugs from Stella.
May God bless you as only He knows how from His riches in Heaven!
In His Service,
Lucian and Stella

As I now reflect on this tale years later, I can see Jesus the Christ in the seams of it. By removing cultural, religious and xenophobic filters, and by looking with eyes wide open, I believe this story describes a miracle on par with the feeding of the 5,000.

Next: how the jaded and skeptical will view this miracle story.

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