Grace Yarn Ministry: Stephanie and Sheila are working in the pharmacy and as a last evangelical point of contact, they have been passing out the blankets, caps and scarves. Your work has been a hit over here. Everyone has complimented your craftsmanship and greatly treasure the knitting. Everyone has either cried or presented hugs and kisses. Stephanie thinks that the Ministry should consider producing at least twice as many scarves for next year.
Coolness abounds!
I'm really proud of you guys. Can't wait to hear the stories when you get back!
Dear Mike and Stephanie:
What an amazing journey to Romania. How good is our God who allows us to be part of his great plan! I am so grateful that you were both willing to go. You know I love Africa...particularly Uganda. It was such a blessing to go both times and I continue to pray that I will go again. My husband doesn't feel the call however! ...but God is faithful...Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog...It truly lifted my spirit...Tons of love...Karen Rodman
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