I'm sorry for the slow pace of the posts but we have been swamped. We are seeing about 70 people a day. The dentists are doing some amazing work. Tom is the dental team leader and each morning, he makes assignments for the healthcare team. The rest of us don't see him much during the working day. He rarely takes breaks and in the evening, he's just plain

Dick has been working in the clean room most days. Here, the dental equipment is made ready for the next procedure. Dick has to follow a protocol and yet turn around the equipment quickly due to the high numbers. Mike spent one day doing this so Dick could have a break. Sometimes, he is in the courtyard where patients wait. That is where I have been most of the week. There, we tell Christ's story, offer comfort for what is to most a potentially frightening experience, and make ourselves available as a conduit of God's love and peace. Dick is wonderful with the children and he takes pictures of all of us and prints them there. Our patients are amazed and gratified that they have a keepsake of their visit in the courtyard with their new friends.

Stephanie moves between the pharmacy and the courtyard. In the pharmacy, she and Sheila dispense the antibiotics and pain relievers that are prescribed by the dentists. They also give instructions on how and when to take the medicines and provide nursing information about medical conditions, nutrition and general health. This also is the last time the patient has a chance to experience the love of God as they care for them, pray with them and invite them to the Holy Trinity Church for a special service on Friday evening.

In the courtyard, she tells people about the Good News. Being at the beginning and the end of a patient's time with us lends some continuity to their trip from the waiting area through medical history, triage, and operations.
We will close the clinic and pack up the equipment this evening. Our hosts are providing a buffet and a sing-along in the courtyard, and we look forward to this time of fellowship. Tomorrow, we will visit the new medical/dental clinic under construction next door to the church. It should be in operation for the dental team that visits next spring. We will also visit the House of Hope, established by Pastor Joe's wife. It is a place where boys and girls who need a home can be nurtured and loved in a Christian environment. Friday evening, we will attend a praise service to say goodbye to our friends and offer testimonials of our experiences of the week.